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 Broken Blossoms or The Yellow Man and the Girl 

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Year : Director : Genre : Duration (HH:MM:SS) :
 Mohammed  Choukri Jamil
Support: N°:   Internet site : Country :
From the book :
Of :
Production year :   Distribution :  
Synopsis :    
  Cheng Huan is a missionary whose goal is to bring the teachings of peace by Buddha to the civilized Anglo-Saxons. Upon landing in England, he is quickly disillusioned by the intolerance and apathy of the country. He becomes a storekeeper of a small shop. Out his window, he sees the young Lucy Burrows. She is regularly beaten by her prizefighter father, underfed and wears ragged clothes. Even in this deplorable condition, Cheng can see that she is a priceless beauty and he falls in love with her from afar. On the day that she passes out in front of his store, he takes her in and cares for her. With nothing but love in his heart, he dresses her in silks and provides food for her. Still weak, she stays in his shop that night and all that Cheng does is watch over her. The peace and happiness that he sees last only until Battling Burrows finds out that his daughter is with a foreigner.

Donald Crisp
Battling Burrows, le père
Richard Barthelmess
Cheng Huan
Lillian Gish
Lucy Burrows
Arthur Howard
le manager de Burrows
Edward Peil
Evil Eye, le boutiquier chinois
George Beranger
le mouchard
Norman Selby
le boxeur professionnel


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